<TABLE> Table Elements
BORDER Sets the border size. <table border="0">
CELLPADDING Pixels between the cell data and cell wall. <table cellpadding="5">
CELLSPACING Pixels between cells. <table cellspacing="3">
WIDTH Width of overall Table in pixels or percent. <table width="90%">
HEIGHT Height of overall Table in pixels or percent. <table height="100">
ALIGN Aligns the Table to the LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER. <table align="center">
BGCOLOR Specifies the background color of the Table. <table bgcolor="#808080">
<TR> Table Row Elements
ALIGN Aligns the Row to the LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER. <tr align="right">
VALIGN Vertically aligns the Row to the TOP, BOTTOM, BASELINE, or CENTER. <tr valign="top">
BGCOLOR Specifies the background color of the Table. <tr bgcolor="black">
<TD> Table Cell Elements
ALIGN Aligns the Cell to the LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER. <td align="center">
VALIGN Vertically aligns the Cell to the TOP, BOTTOM, BASELINE, or CENTER. <td valign="bottom">
WIDTH Width of the Cell in pixels or percent. <td width="25%">
HEIGHT Height of the Cell in pixels or percent. <td height="40">
NOWRAP Doesn't wrap the contents of the Cell. <td nowrap>
BGCOLOR Specifies the background color of the Table. <td bgcolor="#00FF23">
COLSPAN Spans Cell columns. <td colspan="2">
ROWSPAN Spans Cell rows. <td rowspan="2">
<TH> - Table Headings can be used anywhere <TD></TD> is. They act exactly the same and can be used as <TD> is, except the Default is bold and centered.